Treating (complex) SQL views as entities in .NET with SQL triggers.

Categories: .NET C#, SQL
Did you know that you can use a SQL view for your entities in your favorite ORM framework? In this article I will discuss the reasons why one would do that (and why not). I will provide a case study where we try to achieve this, and try to find workarounds for problems that come along the way.


ORM frameworks such as Entity Framework (Core) and NHibernate work with a few database providers; mostly relational, but NoSQL solutions (CosmosDb, MongoDb, Cassandra...) can technically also be used.
In the typical scenario of a relational database many developers (should) have been taught to follow the rules of data normalization. As an introduction to this article, let's have a look at the third normal form (3NF):

No non-prime attribute of R is transitively dependent on the primary key.

In layman's terms this means that all non-key attributes must be dependent on only the primary key. E.g. an author's date of birth does not belong in a "Books" table because it's not an attribute of a book. This rule leads to the whole idea of a relational database.
These rules are usually intuitively followed "as far as you should, and no further"; we will not split the attributes belonging to an entity over multiple tables, just because we can.
From a maintainability and understandability point of view data normalization makes perfect sense. Saving the information about an entity in a single table also does. But there's a difference between what feels right and what IS right. There can be good reasons to split an entity over multiple tables:

Working with multiple tables to represent the same entity in code can be difficult. There are a few words to be said about clean code, and especially trying to rewrite a large code base with legacy code is not particularly fun. What if I told you that no (or minimal) changes need to be made to treat multiple tables as the same entity? In these scenario's SQL views can come to the rescue.

Case study

In this article I will show a proof of concept in a console application in .NET Core. I am using Entity Framework Core as the ORM framework. The application connects to the database of a library. We should be able to perform basic CRUD operations in the app.

Let's create a new class "Book".

internal class Book
    public Guid BookId { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public string ISBN13 { get; set; }
    public DateTime ReleaseDate { get; set; } //Data type might give problems for very old books, but we'll ignore that for now ;)

    public override string ToString() => Title;

We can represent a book by a table "Books". If you use a code-first approach you can let Entity Framework generate the necessary migrations for you and hence execute the necessary SQL script for you.

create table dbo.Books (
	BookId uniqueidentifier not null primary key, 
	Title nvarchar(255) not null,
	Description nvarchar(max) null, 
	ISBN13 nvarchar(255) null,
	ReleaseDate datetime null

Now let's set up the LibraryContext to access and modify books.

internal class LibraryContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<Book> Books { get; set; }

    public LibraryContext()

    protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder options)
        => options.UseSqlServer("<my connection string>");

Lastly, we have to implement the core CRUD operations in the console application.

var libraryContext = new LibraryContext();

var allBooks = libraryContext.Books.ToList();
Console.WriteLine("Current books in the library: " + string.Join(", ", allBooks));

var newBook = new Book
    Title = "The Pragmatic Programmer",
    Description = "your journey to mastery",
    ISBN13 = "978-0-13-595705-9",
    ReleaseDate = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1)
Console.WriteLine($"Added book {newBook}.");

newBook.Description = "an even better journey to mastery";
Console.WriteLine($"Updated book {newBook}.");

Console.WriteLine($"Deleted book {newBook}");

Splitting the table

Now imagine that - for the reasons mentioned in the introduction - we wanted to split the columns of the Books table over multiple tables.
So let's move a few columns to a new table "BooksExtended". A book will have the same BookId in both tables so these tables can be joined by BookId.

create table dbo.BooksExtended (
BookId uniqueidentifier not null primary key, 
ISBN13 nvarchar(255) null,
ReleaseDate datetime null

Rather than treating these two tables as separate entities, we can use a single SQL view to represent books. This view will merge the columns from table Books and BooksExtended.

SELECT b1.BookId, b1.Title, b1.Description, 
b2.ISBN13, b2.ReleaseDate
FROM dbo.Books b1
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.BooksExtended b2 ON b1.BookId = b2.BookId;

We can inform Entity Framework about the table to use for an entity with a TableAttribute. In this case it's a view, but in the eyes of EF that's the same thing.
To understand this case study it's important to understand what an ORM does. It does not operate in the DBMS. There is no "magic" going on. All an ORM does is manage entities in memory, and when changes need to be saved, translate those changes to SQL statements and send them to the DBMS. In SQL (DQL and DML) there is no syntactical difference difference between a table and a view.
It's always "SELECT Y FROM X".
It's always "UPDATE X SET Y".
It's always "INSERT INTO X".
It's always "DELETE FROM X".

internal class Book
    public Guid BookId { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public string ISBN13 { get; set; }
    public DateTime ReleaseDate { get; set; } //Data type might give problems for very old books, but we'll ignore that for now ;)

    public override string ToString() => Title;

If you use NHibernate you can use the "table" attribute in the mapping document to set the view name. Alongside this POC I have create another demo in NHibernate to confirm this.

When running the app, reading from the view is not a problem. But as soon as we need to modify an entity we run into problems:

View or function 'BooksMerged' is not updatable because the modification affects multiple base tables

If we were to execute an insert/update/delete query on SQL Server (the chosen DBMS for this demo) directly, we would have the same problem.
The problem is clear: we have a join in the view definition, so creating, updating, and deleting will not be possible in the current situation. "Complex" view can't be modified by design because SQL Server doesn't know how to do that. Luckily there is a workaround: triggers.

We can define SQL triggers that tell SQL Server how to manage both tables INSTEAD OF the default behavior (an exception). DML triggers use the conceptual tables "Deleted" (for a deletion) and "Inserted" (for an update or insertion).

CREATE OR ALTER TRIGGER dbo.trDelete_BooksMerged ON dbo.BooksMerged
	DELETE b FROM         
	dbo.Books b inner join Deleted d on b.BookId = d.BookId;
	DELETE b FROM         
	dbo.BooksExtended b inner join Deleted d on b.BookId = d.BookId;

CREATE OR ALTER TRIGGER dbo.trUpdate_BooksMerged ON dbo.BooksMerged
	b.Title = i.Title, 
	b.Description = i.Description
	dbo.Books b inner join Inserted i on b.BookId = i.BookId;
	b.ISBN13 = i.ISBN13, 
	b.ReleaseDate = i.ReleaseDate
	dbo.BooksExtended b inner join Inserted i on b.BookId = i.BookId;

CREATE OR ALTER TRIGGER dbo.trInsert_BooksMerged ON dbo.BooksMerged
	INSERT INTO dbo.Books
	SELECT BookId, Title, Description
	FROM Inserted;

	INSERT INTO dbo.BooksExtended
	SELECT BookId, ISBN13, ReleaseDate
	FROM Inserted;

Side note: if your primary key is auto-generated by the server in one of the tables then you can use an OUTPUT ... INTO ... clause, like so:

CREATE OR ALTER TRIGGER dbo.trInsert_BooksMerged ON dbo.BooksMerged
	INSERT INTO dbo.Books
	OUTPUT Inserted.BookId, Inserted.ISBN13, Inserted.ReleaseDate INTO dbo.BooksExtended
	SELECT Title, Description
	FROM Inserted;

When we run the app again it will most likely work fine (see below why not).

A few caveats

Enable triggers in the ORM framework

Depending on the ORM framework and version that you are using, you might need to make a few additional configuration changes.
In modern versions of Entity Framework triggers have to be enabled explicitly (the "less efficient" approach), like so:

protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        .ToTable(tb => tb.HasTrigger("trUpdate_BooksMerged"));

Disable (auto-generated) migrations for your view

Make sure that you don't accidentally create migrations for your view. In case of EF Core, it will think that it's a table and generate a CREATE TABLE statement. Off the top of your head, I can think of two ways to achieve this.

1. Define the entity as a view in OnModelCreating. This is not really a viable solution because that way we can't enable triggers and updates to the entity will fail.

protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)

2. Explictly exclude the entity from migrations in OnModelCreating.

protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        .ToTable(tb =>

You can still create migrations for the individual tables by creating them as separate entity types and adding them to the DbContext. If you want to push your view as a custom migration you can also do that by creation a custom class that inherits from the Migration class.

Enable triggers for bulk insert

BULK INSERTs, by default, ignore insert triggers. You will have to enable them in order to insert into complex views.
In SQL server, use FIRE_TRIGGERS.
When using the SqlBulkCopy class, set copyOptions to FireTriggers in the constructor.

Final thoughts

This article was more a proof of concept than trying to convince you to use views for your entities. If you have to split a table into multiple tables because it has too many columns then there's possibly a bigger problem, and you have to ask yourself questions:

Especially the argument about performance becomes questionable. Yes, having too many columns in a single table has a negative impact on performance (again, not the subject of this article). If you split them over multiple tables and only operate on the table that you need then it makes sense. But how much does it really matter? I don't have the benchmarks to make a convincing argument.

Triggers themselves don't impact performance, but the implementation of the query will, and I can almost guarantee you that inserting into/updating/selecting from two tables is slower than one. On top of that, ORM frameworks use a "slow approach" with verbose SQL when triggers are enabled (example, related to the EF Core 7 update).

So with all of this in mind, I think we can conclude that using a view to represent an entity is an easy and convenient, but maybe not best approach to circumvent a DBMS's limitations.

Finally, I would like to say that this idea works in SQL server. If you use a different system then you will have to figure out how (and if) triggers and views work.